Stay fit use your claw for it!

Yeah what i want to say?
I want to say that being fit will make you powerful. But it’s not about the power. There are other luxuries that you will gain during your fit days!

Some of them are:

  • Staying healthy
  • Staying sexy
  • Your love life will increase dramatically
  • Your face will be better with being fit and losing fats


And probably even more benefits for you and your family.

So i want to say that you can do more from your life by being fit.

Just ask yourself what did you done today? Was it worth it? If it was worth was it hard?

-Fitness is for me the only thing that only requires a little equipment time and knowledge equal to zero.

Well not basically to zero, actually you will need some knowledge on proper form but that isn’t hard at all!

You can learn with Fitclaw !

I am part of Fitclaw and actually i am spending more time there so you can learn from there more because there you have education from best trainers i have worked with.

We basically give you content for free which you will pay to someone who appreciate their own work.

Okay lets back to the point.

Staying fit is art it’s not made in a day, it’s what you need time and patience.

And in later phases there is always need for time. But i think you need to make your mindset on another level and try to eliminate some of the unnecessary things you do in your day.

I would say eliminate drinking cafe,cut on the time you spend on social medias and computer and TV and for me hardest is wasting time for friends because friends are never enough.

It is up to you to find out what you should eliminate/cut and start with your fitness plan.

As i mention in 80% of my posts get gradually on your tasks. Do step by step this is just like business,the success isn’t coming in one night, it requires as i said time and patience, and even when you get success you need to keep it or you will easily fall down.

However is 100% worth to spend your time especially if you are younger because you have lots of time and don’t have lots of tasks to do.

My idea for this post is to encourage you to start working out and get fit in your clothes so my motivational task is only helpful 5% .

The other 95 % you need to get from Fitclaw where we spend our valuable time for your valuable time and all that is for free because you deserve the change and please let us be your encyclopedia and guide in this journey. We promise won’t lose your trust and we will work hard to make your gains and happiness sky-rocket!

That’s all i would say for this article about being fit using your claws, stay young,wild,free motivated and read my blog and my magazine and you will be always on the right alley!

So what are you waiting for? Start with doing some push-ups! 🙂

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